About SRN
Spiritual Research Network, LLC is an independent Christian outreach committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of His Word. The mission of Spiritual Research Network (SRN) and founder Chris Lawson (author/apologist) is to equip the church, encourage biblical discernment, and evangelize the lost. SRN is located in Cambria, a vintage seaside village nestled amongst breathtaking coastal scenery, situated a short drive south of the grandeur of California's Big Sur coastline. Whether online or in person, our top priority is sharing God's love and forgiveness!
Equipping the church, Encouraging biblical discernment, and Evangelizing the lost.
Spiritual Research Network's primary goal is to proclaim the biblical Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also seek to encourage biblical discernment amongst committed believers in Jesus Christ, and this is why we research, inform, and warn about the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse, and mystical/occult-based spirituality. We encourage you to learn more about Spiritual Research Network and our beliefs, learn 'What SRN is Not,' and view our online store.
Resources for Education, Equipping, and Evangelism
Our website comprises a small sampling of resources. We do hope to launch our new website sometime in 2023, and we are in need of prayer, and funds, for this project. You can our new and old archives, read sample articles, and listen and learn on our audio and video pages. See also our links page, other websites, ad our YouTube channels we host or manage.
- Websites: LawsonChristopher.org, DangersOfYoga.com, and SpiritJournaling.com
- YouTube: Chris Lawson, Spiritual Research Network, A Time of Departing
- Vimeo: Chris Lawson Arhive
Spiritual Research Network places proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the top priority. It is God's message for all. Along with the Gospel message, biblical discernment is of utmost importance in our age. The two go hand-in-hand. Without biblical understanding in the proclamation of the Gospel according to Scripture, the message of God’s creation account (Genesis 1-12) and the clear fundamental teachings of the Bible become convoluted and distorted. In any Christian church or missions movement, preaching the Gospel, teaching biblical truth, and warning against false doctrine, false teachers, and false prophets, is paramount. Here is a simple video about God’s Method of Consistently ‘Warning’ and ‘Teaching’.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try [test] the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” —1 John 4:1
As the author of content for Spiritual Research Network I have created a Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire covering many different areas and types of abuse. This little booklet has helped many people over the years. In addition to warning about the dangers of cultic movements and spiritual abuses, I have done a significant amount of research on the dangers of yoga, meditation perils, kundalini awakening "emergencies" (symptoms and hazards), and spiritual abuse and crisis in general. Many of these things are crossing over into Christian churches, coupled with over-bearing, narcissistic leadership abuses.
Through the years I have expressed great concern over the numerous mystical methods and spiritual dangers that comprise contemplative spirituality and its many practices. This includes the French-based Taizé movement, with its ecumenical, interfaith, Taizé community and worship methods. I have also been warning about the dangers of Eastern Occult philosophy, meditation, and the spiritistic (spiritism) influences involved with New Age/occult based Yoga movements.
If you or your family and friends have been affected by the many long-standing false teaching movements (and newer false revival and “holy laughter” movements), my website and off-site links to other researchers and authors can be of help. Helping and encouraging people is what I seek to do. Thank you for time and interest in my work, and may the Lord bring to you what is needed as you seek Him and in spirit and in truth. "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship" (John 4:23).
—Chris Lawson, SRN Administrator
Through the years I have expressed great concern over the numerous mystical methods and spiritual dangers that comprise contemplative spirituality and its many practices. This includes the French-based Taizé movement, with its ecumenical, interfaith, Taizé community and worship methods. I have also been warning about the dangers of Eastern Occult philosophy, meditation, and the spiritistic (spiritism) influences involved with New Age/occult based Yoga movements.
If you or your family and friends have been affected by the many long-standing false teaching movements (and newer false revival and “holy laughter” movements), my website and off-site links to other researchers and authors can be of help. Helping and encouraging people is what I seek to do. Thank you for time and interest in my work, and may the Lord bring to you what is needed as you seek Him and in spirit and in truth. "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship" (John 4:23).
—Chris Lawson, SRN Administrator
Committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of His Word, the primary goal of Spiritual Research Network (SRN) is twofold:
Funding for the work of SRN is provided through independent donations made through Chris Lawson's ministry. Spiritual Research Network has been online since 2004 as an independent Christian outreach, and one of my foundational Bible verses comes from Philippians 1:9-11.
- to Proclaim the Gospel and Encourage Biblical Discernment, and
- to Research, Inform and Warn of the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse, and mystical/occult based spirituality.
Funding for the work of SRN is provided through independent donations made through Chris Lawson's ministry. Spiritual Research Network has been online since 2004 as an independent Christian outreach, and one of my foundational Bible verses comes from Philippians 1:9-11.
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment [discernment]; that ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God."
(Philippians 1:9-11)
The ministry of Spiritual Research Network exists in order to:
In order to carry out the purpose of SRN the following options are offered:
- Glorify, honor and serve the Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His Gospel of man’s redemption.
- Provide evangelistic training and resources with an emphasis on the Bible as the verbal and plenary inspired, inerrant Word of God.
- Expose doctrines that oppose or nullify the Gospel of grace as found in Scripture.
- Contend earnestly for the faith against those who suppress, and/or reject doctrinal truth for the sake of unbiblical ecumenical unity.
- Encourage and support former members of other belief systems.
In order to carry out the purpose of SRN the following options are offered:
- A growing lending library of resources for people seeking sound Bible teaching and discernment.
- Offering resources such as books, booklets, tracts, and DVDs for Christians, as well as materials to help all who have been adversely affected by abusive cults and mystical/occult beliefs and practices.
- Teaching Bible studies, sermons and lectures for equipping believers with sound biblical doctrine.
- Providing counter-cult and counter-occult seminars to educate Christians how to lovingly and effectively reach people in the cults and occult belief systems.
- Publishing research articles through periodic online updates and mailings.
- Encouraging people, who, upon leaving their former faith, may experience a vast array of feelings and struggles associated with guilt, doubt, family rejection, instability, loss, and spiritually related post-traumatic stress.
- Short-term missions projects as funds allow.
Spiritual Research Network (SRN) was founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2004 as part of Chris Lawson's Scotland Missions outreach (2003-2007). While living and serving in Edinburgh, a culture thoroughly steeped in secular humanism, evolutionary theory, and Neo-Pagan occult spirituality, the SRN outreach was established for the purpose of helping equip Christian churches and individual believers with biblical discernment. Our initial goal as overseas workers was to plant a church fellowship, but we quickly realized that the bulk of people we were reaching out to were hurting Christians, many of whom had been spiritually abused.
"Except the Lord build the house,
they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord keep the city,
the watchman waketh but in vain."
(Psalm 127: 1)
In conjunction with biblical preaching and teaching, I have been fully committed to confronting spiritual deception found in cults, the occult, the New Age/New Spirituality movement, and in abusive churches. The reason I do this is so that people can be set free from spiritual enslavement and its devastating consequences.
Although very unpopular in an age of political correctness, I have always taken an unwavering stand against mystical, occult, New Age (The New Gospel) and Contemplative Spirituality (Spiritual Formation) practices. The reason for this is that the unbiblical doctrines and practices of contemplative spirituality (Eastern mysticism/occultism) have infiltrated countless churches, Christian universities, and colleges around the world. The contemplative movement continues to spread through the ecumenical Emerging Church and Interfaith movements.
Due to the fact that many practices being promoted in churches today are rooted in mysticism and occult philosophy (pantheism, panentheism, monism), I have sought to educate people about these spiritual deceptions and the practical problems associated with believing in them. I have also provided the biblical alternative to such, and the Scriptural basis for doing so.
I have also sought to explain how the teachings and methods of mystics and Eastern gurus (centering prayer, visualization, yoga, mantras, etc.) are being passed on to undiscerning Christians - pastors, church leaders and churchgoers alike. Along with other like-minded ministries, we continue to sound the alarm to the church and anyone who will listen.
As part of my teaching activities I have educated many people in the basics of biblical discernment. I have sought to communicate to people how to avoid spiritual abuse and deception (coercion, mind control, manipulation) as well as popular heresies such as the "Christianized" occult “anointing,” the lying signs and wonders movements, the dangers of Replacement Theology, and more.
Throughout the years I have remained committed to proclaiming the biblical Gospel and encouraging spiritual discernment among those who regard themselves as Biblical Christians. Believing that my primary task is to proclaim Jesus Christ as God's only provision whereby sinners can be forgiven and declared righteous before God, I have always placed the greatest emphasis upon the Person, work and nature of Jesus Christ.
In the Spring of 2007 we relocated from the seaside towns of Portobello and Joppa, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to the Central Coast of California.
Although very unpopular in an age of political correctness, I have always taken an unwavering stand against mystical, occult, New Age (The New Gospel) and Contemplative Spirituality (Spiritual Formation) practices. The reason for this is that the unbiblical doctrines and practices of contemplative spirituality (Eastern mysticism/occultism) have infiltrated countless churches, Christian universities, and colleges around the world. The contemplative movement continues to spread through the ecumenical Emerging Church and Interfaith movements.
Due to the fact that many practices being promoted in churches today are rooted in mysticism and occult philosophy (pantheism, panentheism, monism), I have sought to educate people about these spiritual deceptions and the practical problems associated with believing in them. I have also provided the biblical alternative to such, and the Scriptural basis for doing so.
I have also sought to explain how the teachings and methods of mystics and Eastern gurus (centering prayer, visualization, yoga, mantras, etc.) are being passed on to undiscerning Christians - pastors, church leaders and churchgoers alike. Along with other like-minded ministries, we continue to sound the alarm to the church and anyone who will listen.
As part of my teaching activities I have educated many people in the basics of biblical discernment. I have sought to communicate to people how to avoid spiritual abuse and deception (coercion, mind control, manipulation) as well as popular heresies such as the "Christianized" occult “anointing,” the lying signs and wonders movements, the dangers of Replacement Theology, and more.
Throughout the years I have remained committed to proclaiming the biblical Gospel and encouraging spiritual discernment among those who regard themselves as Biblical Christians. Believing that my primary task is to proclaim Jesus Christ as God's only provision whereby sinners can be forgiven and declared righteous before God, I have always placed the greatest emphasis upon the Person, work and nature of Jesus Christ.
In the Spring of 2007 we relocated from the seaside towns of Portobello and Joppa, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to the Central Coast of California.
Chris Lawson Ministry Bio
Where Chris has served (1989-to present)
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11, KJV).