Exposing Satan's Power - Yoga Warning Series - Video Transcripts 1-4
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 1 - Discussing the hidden dangers of Yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on Jun 11, 2009
“I’m frightened. My daughter is a Christian and she is demon-possessed.”
This gentleman called me at the time I was living in Oregon. He told me that his whole family were dedicated Christians and would pray before meals. But every time they prayed his daughter would scream, and he said her tongue would be hanging out of her mouth.
Now he said there were no problems before she went to Humboldt State University. And he asked me if I would come and counsel with her. I went there to her home, and we sat in a room by ourselves. I discovered that her problem began after doing yoga at the college there, at the University.
Yoga is basically a Far Eastern and Hindu Indian system of philosophy and psychology. Most people think it's just exercises. It is much more than that! You see, the yogis believe in the purification of the soul, and it is a blending of mind and spirit and eventually you can lose self-control. The reason being that there are several stages of yoga. Yoga opens up psychic powers at the back of the spine. They are called chakras, and each chakra has to do something with some psychic abilities.
She talked to me about her psychic powers. She said when she started doing yoga she became very psychic and can tell all about people. She reminded me of another student at Humboldt State University who I counseled who opened up what is called the Kundalini.
In the Kundalini is a coiled snake, it's like a spirit and the Hindus actually consider this as the Holy Spirit. Very strange, but that's what they believe. And I remember talking to this girl and her friends were telling me she would writhe like a snake on the floor and a tongue would keep shooting out.
I began counseling this young lady, the one in Oregon, and it was a strange look in her eyes as I was talking to her. It was kind of scary, frightening. And I remember she said to me, “You know there's a young man in our church, and my daddy thinks he's okay but I can tell you about that young man.” I stopped her. I called her by a name and held her hands. I said, “Now let us pray for a moment before we go any further.” And I said, “My dear Lord and Heavenly Father...” [scream] And her tongue hang out. I forgot every time you prayed with her, that's what happened.
You know Yoga, is a sure way to the mythological Hindu heaven. Jesus is a sure way to the Heavenly Father!
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 2 - A candid discussion on how Satan uses the hidden dangers of yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on May 23, 2011
“Are you mentally retarded? You're an idiot! Don't you understand that 50 million people across the world practice yoga! Yoga is a Hindu religion! Yogis are beautiful people. How dare you say yoga is evil. You don't know the first thing about yoga.”
Those are some of the many insults that I get on my emails. But for the record, I have studied yoga and practice yoga for more than a lifetime. I have also counseled with people who had severe emotional mood swings, depression, rage, fear and dread after practicing yoga. The majority of people who practice yoga have no idea what they are getting into.
Now here are some of the facts you need to know. Just take a look at Webster's [Library] dictionary and see what it says about yoga.
"Yoga is a system of Hindu philosophy, strict spiritual discipline practiced to gain control over the forces of one's being to gain occult powers but chiefly to attain union with the Deity or Universal Spirit."
Chants and mantras are prayers to the Hindu gods. The prayers opened up the chakras. This is your nervous system and can open you up to demonic invasion. Of course everyone is not affected, but knowingly you can become a victim. Unfortunately I have seen this happen with sad consequences. Many people who practice yoga think that it's a harmless exercise, this is far from the truth.
Yoga is Antichrist and here is why. Yogis believe in reincarnation. Yogis worship Hindu gods. Yogis worship idols. Yogis guys believe in Self-realization. Yogis believe that man is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, that man is a god. The purpose of yoga is not physical exercise but a path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment through union with the divine. There are many physical and psychological spiritual dangers associated with yoga.
As I mentioned earlier, not everyone is affected, but it can happen to you. I have no problems with physical exercise, but the mental aspect that goes along with yoga can be a problem. The Apostle Paul said, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).
So why not set your mind on the spiritual and less on the physical. Change your lifestyle, repent of your sins, get baptized, live a holy life and make sure of your place in heaven.
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 3 - A lively discussion about the hidden dangers of yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on Apr 12, 2012
“Ben, she slithers around the floor like a snake, and she hisses.”
This story was told to me while I was holding a meeting in Humboldt University, California. The lady in question was standing by her side. She told me she couldn't help herself. I also discovered that this happened after she practiced yoga at Humboldt University.
So what are we dealing with?
It is called the Kundalini. The Kundalini according to yoga teaching is a hidden psychic force which lies coiled up at the base of the spine. It lies dormant until aroused by the various yoga disciplines and techniques. Certain yoga techniques can open up a person's chakras. This will in turn open up psychic power and can lead to demon possession. It can also lead to a type of insanity. I could go on ad infinitum of people who have taken up yoga and found their lives totally out of control.
So what is the reason for these problems?
To sum it up in one word. Occult! According to the Bible the word “occult” called means the hidden and mysterious practices of the spirit world forbidden by God in Deuteronomy 18:10.
Millions of people across the world are involved and many are enslaved with frightening consequences. They don't realize that Yoga is a religion. Yoga is basically a Far Eastern and Hindu Indian system of philosophy and psychology. The exercises combined with the meditation, opens up the chakras. Chakras are nerve centers that open up your psychic abilities. This practice will lead to what is known as divination. Divination is the art of obtaining information from the spirit world forbidden by God.
The Apostle Paul explains the situation in Ephesians 6:12. He tells us our problem in this world is not against human beings, but it's against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. He is referring to a demonic spiritual force known as the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a psychic force not to be messed with, and can cause spiritual and physical harm. But if you read on what Paul says in that same chapter he shows the true force needed in your life. He tells us to put on the whole armor of God, and the one and only Person to help you is Jesus. The Bible says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Friend you can have that armor. Repent, change your lifestyle, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and get baptized, and when you get baptized this is for the forgiveness of sins and then you will also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And then you start living a godly life, and your reward will be heaven.
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 4 - A lively discussion about the hidden dangers of yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on Apr 12, 2012
“Please help me! I'm in great despair and my soul is lost forever. I feel Satan has
bound my soul. I've become chronically ill after having a Kundalini awakening. My right hand is burning. I feel electrical rushes moving through my body. Please, please, I beg of you! Help me!”
This is just one of the many emails I received crying for help.
Here are some other forms of manifestations from souls who are experiencing the results of Kundalini Yoga. Severe emotional swings, anxiety, depression, rage, fear, dread, itching, burning, cramping, twitching of skin and body, and the list of problems go on and on and on.
What in the world is happening? Most of these happenings began with people searching for an inner peace. They're looking for a way to experience life and God more directly. They think that Eastern religions are not tainted by money and power structures. What these people don't realize that in Eastern religion sin is never mentioned. Nor is atonement considered necessary. Because it is taught that man's nature is divine, and that he can work out his own salvation. He doesn't need God. They believe that Yoga is the answer. They don't realize that Yoga is basically a Far Eastern and Hinduism system of philosophy and psychology. It is a mystical union with the universal spirit. Having said that, I want to share the basic principles of Yoga.
It is found in the highest levels of Hinduism called the Kundalini spirit. In reality it is the worship of a snake goddess, the female cobra. In India the female cobra is revered. They believe in its mystical powers lies dormant at the base of the [human] spine until it is aroused through meditation and yoga exercises. The Kundalini or basic power when stimulated makes an ascending journey up through the [spinal] chord within the spinal column and opens up a person chakras - psychic powers. The Eastern followers have no hope only in themselves, Self-realization.
Christianity on the other hand begins with God, and he has shown us the way. He is the way, He is the life, He is the truth and no man comes to the Father except through Jesus. Here is what God says about receiving the truth. First you repent, change your lifestyle. Second you get baptized for the forgiveness of your sins, and then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit will lead you into the truth and the truth will set you free.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on Jun 11, 2009
“I’m frightened. My daughter is a Christian and she is demon-possessed.”
This gentleman called me at the time I was living in Oregon. He told me that his whole family were dedicated Christians and would pray before meals. But every time they prayed his daughter would scream, and he said her tongue would be hanging out of her mouth.
Now he said there were no problems before she went to Humboldt State University. And he asked me if I would come and counsel with her. I went there to her home, and we sat in a room by ourselves. I discovered that her problem began after doing yoga at the college there, at the University.
Yoga is basically a Far Eastern and Hindu Indian system of philosophy and psychology. Most people think it's just exercises. It is much more than that! You see, the yogis believe in the purification of the soul, and it is a blending of mind and spirit and eventually you can lose self-control. The reason being that there are several stages of yoga. Yoga opens up psychic powers at the back of the spine. They are called chakras, and each chakra has to do something with some psychic abilities.
She talked to me about her psychic powers. She said when she started doing yoga she became very psychic and can tell all about people. She reminded me of another student at Humboldt State University who I counseled who opened up what is called the Kundalini.
In the Kundalini is a coiled snake, it's like a spirit and the Hindus actually consider this as the Holy Spirit. Very strange, but that's what they believe. And I remember talking to this girl and her friends were telling me she would writhe like a snake on the floor and a tongue would keep shooting out.
I began counseling this young lady, the one in Oregon, and it was a strange look in her eyes as I was talking to her. It was kind of scary, frightening. And I remember she said to me, “You know there's a young man in our church, and my daddy thinks he's okay but I can tell you about that young man.” I stopped her. I called her by a name and held her hands. I said, “Now let us pray for a moment before we go any further.” And I said, “My dear Lord and Heavenly Father...” [scream] And her tongue hang out. I forgot every time you prayed with her, that's what happened.
You know Yoga, is a sure way to the mythological Hindu heaven. Jesus is a sure way to the Heavenly Father!
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 2 - A candid discussion on how Satan uses the hidden dangers of yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on May 23, 2011
“Are you mentally retarded? You're an idiot! Don't you understand that 50 million people across the world practice yoga! Yoga is a Hindu religion! Yogis are beautiful people. How dare you say yoga is evil. You don't know the first thing about yoga.”
Those are some of the many insults that I get on my emails. But for the record, I have studied yoga and practice yoga for more than a lifetime. I have also counseled with people who had severe emotional mood swings, depression, rage, fear and dread after practicing yoga. The majority of people who practice yoga have no idea what they are getting into.
Now here are some of the facts you need to know. Just take a look at Webster's [Library] dictionary and see what it says about yoga.
"Yoga is a system of Hindu philosophy, strict spiritual discipline practiced to gain control over the forces of one's being to gain occult powers but chiefly to attain union with the Deity or Universal Spirit."
Chants and mantras are prayers to the Hindu gods. The prayers opened up the chakras. This is your nervous system and can open you up to demonic invasion. Of course everyone is not affected, but knowingly you can become a victim. Unfortunately I have seen this happen with sad consequences. Many people who practice yoga think that it's a harmless exercise, this is far from the truth.
Yoga is Antichrist and here is why. Yogis believe in reincarnation. Yogis worship Hindu gods. Yogis worship idols. Yogis guys believe in Self-realization. Yogis believe that man is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, that man is a god. The purpose of yoga is not physical exercise but a path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment through union with the divine. There are many physical and psychological spiritual dangers associated with yoga.
As I mentioned earlier, not everyone is affected, but it can happen to you. I have no problems with physical exercise, but the mental aspect that goes along with yoga can be a problem. The Apostle Paul said, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8).
So why not set your mind on the spiritual and less on the physical. Change your lifestyle, repent of your sins, get baptized, live a holy life and make sure of your place in heaven.
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 3 - A lively discussion about the hidden dangers of yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on Apr 12, 2012
“Ben, she slithers around the floor like a snake, and she hisses.”
This story was told to me while I was holding a meeting in Humboldt University, California. The lady in question was standing by her side. She told me she couldn't help herself. I also discovered that this happened after she practiced yoga at Humboldt University.
So what are we dealing with?
It is called the Kundalini. The Kundalini according to yoga teaching is a hidden psychic force which lies coiled up at the base of the spine. It lies dormant until aroused by the various yoga disciplines and techniques. Certain yoga techniques can open up a person's chakras. This will in turn open up psychic power and can lead to demon possession. It can also lead to a type of insanity. I could go on ad infinitum of people who have taken up yoga and found their lives totally out of control.
So what is the reason for these problems?
To sum it up in one word. Occult! According to the Bible the word “occult” called means the hidden and mysterious practices of the spirit world forbidden by God in Deuteronomy 18:10.
Millions of people across the world are involved and many are enslaved with frightening consequences. They don't realize that Yoga is a religion. Yoga is basically a Far Eastern and Hindu Indian system of philosophy and psychology. The exercises combined with the meditation, opens up the chakras. Chakras are nerve centers that open up your psychic abilities. This practice will lead to what is known as divination. Divination is the art of obtaining information from the spirit world forbidden by God.
The Apostle Paul explains the situation in Ephesians 6:12. He tells us our problem in this world is not against human beings, but it's against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. He is referring to a demonic spiritual force known as the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a psychic force not to be messed with, and can cause spiritual and physical harm. But if you read on what Paul says in that same chapter he shows the true force needed in your life. He tells us to put on the whole armor of God, and the one and only Person to help you is Jesus. The Bible says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Friend you can have that armor. Repent, change your lifestyle, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and get baptized, and when you get baptized this is for the forgiveness of sins and then you will also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And then you start living a godly life, and your reward will be heaven.
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
EXPOSING SATAN'S POWER: YOGA 4 - A lively discussion about the hidden dangers of yoga.
By evangelist Ben Alexander, a former spiritualist medium
videoEvangelism .ESP, Published on Apr 12, 2012
“Please help me! I'm in great despair and my soul is lost forever. I feel Satan has
bound my soul. I've become chronically ill after having a Kundalini awakening. My right hand is burning. I feel electrical rushes moving through my body. Please, please, I beg of you! Help me!”
This is just one of the many emails I received crying for help.
Here are some other forms of manifestations from souls who are experiencing the results of Kundalini Yoga. Severe emotional swings, anxiety, depression, rage, fear, dread, itching, burning, cramping, twitching of skin and body, and the list of problems go on and on and on.
What in the world is happening? Most of these happenings began with people searching for an inner peace. They're looking for a way to experience life and God more directly. They think that Eastern religions are not tainted by money and power structures. What these people don't realize that in Eastern religion sin is never mentioned. Nor is atonement considered necessary. Because it is taught that man's nature is divine, and that he can work out his own salvation. He doesn't need God. They believe that Yoga is the answer. They don't realize that Yoga is basically a Far Eastern and Hinduism system of philosophy and psychology. It is a mystical union with the universal spirit. Having said that, I want to share the basic principles of Yoga.
It is found in the highest levels of Hinduism called the Kundalini spirit. In reality it is the worship of a snake goddess, the female cobra. In India the female cobra is revered. They believe in its mystical powers lies dormant at the base of the [human] spine until it is aroused through meditation and yoga exercises. The Kundalini or basic power when stimulated makes an ascending journey up through the [spinal] chord within the spinal column and opens up a person chakras - psychic powers. The Eastern followers have no hope only in themselves, Self-realization.
Christianity on the other hand begins with God, and he has shown us the way. He is the way, He is the life, He is the truth and no man comes to the Father except through Jesus. Here is what God says about receiving the truth. First you repent, change your lifestyle. Second you get baptized for the forgiveness of your sins, and then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit will lead you into the truth and the truth will set you free.
—Find out more about The Forgiveness of Sin.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16 KJV)