​Helping people understand what we do, and don't do.
By Chris Lawson
Proclaiming the Gospel and Encouraging Biblical Discernment
To the Reader,
Thank you for taking the time to read this brief statement. As a Christian I have no desire to mock, belittle, poke fun at, or harass anyone. My main concern has to do with proclaiming the biblical Gospel and exposing the doctrines, teachings and belief systems that are contrary to the Bible and Jesus Christ (i.e. those that pose a threat to general human welfare, the human soul, and the human spirit). If my website of research articles comes across as being arrogant, abrasive, harsh or demeaning please know that this is not my intention.
Writing about the issues that I do and addressing numerous problematic issues in the church is not an easy thing to do, especially when so many views within the church collide. I intend to help people, not create unnecessary divisions in the church. If you feel that any of my material is abrasive and could be worded better, please let me know which articles or webpages you are concerned about and I will consider updating them.
Mankind's problem is sin. Because of sin human beings are separated from God who is Holy. Because all have sinned, all deserve death—we have all transgressed God's holy Law. For all of us, our only hope and salvation can be found in and through the Substitutionary atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and his subsequent burial and resurrection from the dead. Jesus has overcome sin and death! He offers the free gift of salvation to all who will believe in Him and trust in Him alone for salvation.
My sincere desire is that people would come out of false, abusive, deceptive and spiritually harmful belief systems. And in doing so, be delivered from the power of sin and brought into a right relationship with God through the Person and work of Jesus Christ. We all need the Gospel and we all need to be saved from our sins.
On my SRN website and in my writings I seek to convey a gracious, loving, patient and kind demeanor, online and as well as in person. Flippant arrogance, a know-it-all kind of attitude, and web content that creates unnecessary division amongst Christians is not biblical, nor is it my style. I am simply trying to love people and speak the truth in love, as the Bible admonishes.
If you happen to come across any pages or articles on my website where any text seems to display something "un-Christian" in its tone or presentation, please let me know. I ask for your help in this manner to show that I care about people and that I also care about how I represent Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.
Thank you for taking the time to read this brief statement. As a Christian I have no desire to mock, belittle, poke fun at, or harass anyone. My main concern has to do with proclaiming the biblical Gospel and exposing the doctrines, teachings and belief systems that are contrary to the Bible and Jesus Christ (i.e. those that pose a threat to general human welfare, the human soul, and the human spirit). If my website of research articles comes across as being arrogant, abrasive, harsh or demeaning please know that this is not my intention.
Writing about the issues that I do and addressing numerous problematic issues in the church is not an easy thing to do, especially when so many views within the church collide. I intend to help people, not create unnecessary divisions in the church. If you feel that any of my material is abrasive and could be worded better, please let me know which articles or webpages you are concerned about and I will consider updating them.
Mankind's problem is sin. Because of sin human beings are separated from God who is Holy. Because all have sinned, all deserve death—we have all transgressed God's holy Law. For all of us, our only hope and salvation can be found in and through the Substitutionary atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and his subsequent burial and resurrection from the dead. Jesus has overcome sin and death! He offers the free gift of salvation to all who will believe in Him and trust in Him alone for salvation.
My sincere desire is that people would come out of false, abusive, deceptive and spiritually harmful belief systems. And in doing so, be delivered from the power of sin and brought into a right relationship with God through the Person and work of Jesus Christ. We all need the Gospel and we all need to be saved from our sins.
On my SRN website and in my writings I seek to convey a gracious, loving, patient and kind demeanor, online and as well as in person. Flippant arrogance, a know-it-all kind of attitude, and web content that creates unnecessary division amongst Christians is not biblical, nor is it my style. I am simply trying to love people and speak the truth in love, as the Bible admonishes.
If you happen to come across any pages or articles on my website where any text seems to display something "un-Christian" in its tone or presentation, please let me know. I ask for your help in this manner to show that I care about people and that I also care about how I represent Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.
Loving all people
This page has been placed here simply to express that as a Bible believing Christian I love all people regardless of their religion, age, sexual orientation, skin color, or ethnicity. It is spiritual deception, abusive spirituality, and persistent sinful lifestyles that the Bible, and I, do not endorse.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
I do believe that God, through His Son Jesus Christ, can deliver anyone from the power of sin and death. The primary Scripture that my work is based upon comes from a heart of love and concern for others:
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11)
Spiritual Research Network not to be confused with the Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN)
Spiritual Research Network (SRN) is not to be confused with the Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN). This organization exalts the kundalini force (the "serpent power" of Hinduism) as part of the transformational process to spiritual enlightenment.
My Spiritual Research Network websites (www.SpiritualResearchNetwork.org and www.YogaMeditationDangers.com) expose kundalini power and other occult practices that attempt to counterfeit the Person, nature and work of God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit as found in the Bible is one-hundred percent opposed to occult manifestations such as kundalini arousal. According to Hindu occultists, arousing the kundalini power is the aim of all yoga. Kundalini is also known as the serpent power of Hinduism.
Many people who have fled from occult practices and belief systems have found true healing and salvation through the biblical Jesus Christ. Spiritual Research Network exposes kundalini for what it is—satanic power that enslaves people, drives them away from the biblical Jesus of Nazareth, and destroys them.
The Spiritual Emergence Network (SpiritualEmergence.org) encourages people to work through kundalini manifestations as if they are part of the journey to enlightenment. In actuality, kundalini arousal is a form Eastern occult enlightenment. It has absolutely nothing to do with true spiritual enlightenment, healing, and the salvation of individual human souls. Rooted in occult philosophies given by familiar spirits through demonic inspiration, kundalini power defiles the soul and leads to eternal destruction.
The Bible is clear about such things; hence the reason we expose them.
My Spiritual Research Network websites (www.SpiritualResearchNetwork.org and www.YogaMeditationDangers.com) expose kundalini power and other occult practices that attempt to counterfeit the Person, nature and work of God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit as found in the Bible is one-hundred percent opposed to occult manifestations such as kundalini arousal. According to Hindu occultists, arousing the kundalini power is the aim of all yoga. Kundalini is also known as the serpent power of Hinduism.
Many people who have fled from occult practices and belief systems have found true healing and salvation through the biblical Jesus Christ. Spiritual Research Network exposes kundalini for what it is—satanic power that enslaves people, drives them away from the biblical Jesus of Nazareth, and destroys them.
The Spiritual Emergence Network (SpiritualEmergence.org) encourages people to work through kundalini manifestations as if they are part of the journey to enlightenment. In actuality, kundalini arousal is a form Eastern occult enlightenment. It has absolutely nothing to do with true spiritual enlightenment, healing, and the salvation of individual human souls. Rooted in occult philosophies given by familiar spirits through demonic inspiration, kundalini power defiles the soul and leads to eternal destruction.
The Bible is clear about such things; hence the reason we expose them.
"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards,
to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God." (Leviticus 19:31)
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