Harmful and Dangerous Spiritual Practices
Compiled by Chris Lawson
Updated May 2021
Updated May 2021
Yoga, meditation, centering prayer, Reiki,
energy work, therapeutic touch, holy laughter,
shaktipat, "the Presence", passive-journaling,
praying to saints, seances, soaking prayer...
energy work, therapeutic touch, holy laughter,
shaktipat, "the Presence", passive-journaling,
praying to saints, seances, soaking prayer...
Potentially Harmful and/or Dangerous Spiritual Practices
We consider all of the subjects listed below to be Potentially Harmful and/or Dangerous Spiritual Practices. They all have the potential to be spiritually harmful and a large number of them are extremely dangerous. Spiritual Research Network issues a warning about the following topics because they comprise either one, two, three, or all four of the following:
It should be noted that many people in our day assume that if something is spiritual and "it works," then "it must be of God." In many cases, nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the practices listed in this article are being utilized by well-meaning churches, movements, and individuals, but they are clearly not from God, nor are they ever endorsed by Him. If you have been involved in any of these practices or beliefs or are considering engaging in any of them, we recommend that you read our statement at the bottom of this page and find out about the dangers associated with such things.
* Source Notes and a Statement of Warning from Spititual Research Network are stated below alphabetical listing.
- Mystical and supernaturalistic health-related methods
- Founded on occult (hidden/secret) principles
- Dangerous forms of occult and mystical practices
- Based on the writings and beliefs associated with either paganism, spiritism, occultism or mysticism.
It should be noted that many people in our day assume that if something is spiritual and "it works," then "it must be of God." In many cases, nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the practices listed in this article are being utilized by well-meaning churches, movements, and individuals, but they are clearly not from God, nor are they ever endorsed by Him. If you have been involved in any of these practices or beliefs or are considering engaging in any of them, we recommend that you read our statement at the bottom of this page and find out about the dangers associated with such things.
* Source Notes and a Statement of Warning from Spititual Research Network are stated below alphabetical listing.
Alphabetical Listing of Potentially Harmful and/or Dangerous Spiritual Practices
A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or "the Course")
Aaronic Order (Order of Aaron - occult)
Abacomancy (amathomancy)
Abraxas (Also known as Abracax, Abrasax, Abanathabla and Ablathanabla)
Absent healing (absentee healing, distance healing, distant healing, remote healing, teleotherapeutics)
ACCESS (Access Energy Transformation)
Active imagery Actualism (Actualism Lightwork, agni yoga, Fire Yoga, lightwork)
Actualism bodywork
Acu-meridian energy transmission bodywork (Er Mei Qi Gong Therapy External
Energy Diagnosis and Treatment system)
Acupressure energy channeling
Acupressure (G-jo ) [GEE-joh], Acu-ball pressure treatment; Do-in (dao-in, Taoist yoga); G-Jo acupressure)
Acupressure massage
Acupressure touch
Acupuncture (acupuncture therapy, Zhenjiu)
Acupuncture imaging
Acuscope therapy (Electro-Acuscope therapy)
Acutomancy (divination)
Adept (occult: A person who is 'skilled'. Initiate who has mastered occult sciences and powers)
Adramelech (Also known as Adrammelech and Adramelechk)
Advanced dowsing
Advanced Energy Healing (Robert Jaffe Advanced Energy Healing)
Advanced Integrative Therapy
Advanced Kum Nyethrough stimulation a
Advanced pranic healing
Adytum (occult)
Aetites (Aquilaeus, Gagites, "The Pregnant Stone" and "Eagle Stone"
Agaliarept (Also known as Agalieraps and Agalierept)
Agares (Also known as Aguares and Agreas)
Agathodemon (Also known as Agathadaimon, Agathadaemon, Agathodiamon, Agathadeamon, Agathos Diamon)
Age of Aquarius
Agni dhatu (agni dhatu therapy, samadhi Yoga)
Agares (Aguares and Agreas)
Akasha (Akasa and Akash)
Alberich (Also known as Aelferic, Alferich, Alpris, Andavari and Elberich)
Alchemia Breathwork
Alchemia® heart breath
Alchemical Hypnotherapy (Alchemical work)
Alchemical Synergy®
Alchemical weight management
Alectromancy (Also knowns as Alectormancy, Alectryomancy)
Alien (apparitions, alien contact, channeling, mediums, etc.)
Alien abduction
Alien implants
Alliance method ("traditional" Reiki, Usui System of Natural Healing; called "Hayashi" in Japan)
Alocen (Also known as Allocer, Alloces, Alocas, Allocen and Alloien)
Alomancy (Also Halomancy)
Alpha Calm Therapy
Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)
Alternative medicine (fringe medicine, natural medicine, unconventional medicine, holistic medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, nernacular medicine)
Ama Deus
Amma (anma, General Massage, Pu Tong An Mo)Amdukias (Amduscias, Amdusias, Amukias)
Amma therapy ®
Amathomancy (abacomancy)
Amdukias (Amduscias, Amdusias, Amukias)
Amen (occult: Aman, Ammon, Amon, Amon-Ra, Amon-Re, Amum, Atum, Am, Amen-Ra, Amen-Ur, Amun-Re, Hammon, Niu, Zeus-Ammon and Jupitr-Ammon)
Ammit (Amit, Aman, Amamet, Ammut, Amunet and Ammemet)
Amplified Energy Therapy
Amulet (and talisman)
Amy (Avnas)
Anamelech (Anammelech)
Anarazel (Anazarel)
Anatomy for Healers
Ancient Christian magic (not Biblical by any means)
Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians; AMORC)
Andra-inanyas (Andras and Andrainanyas)
Andrealphus (Androalphus)
Anemoscopy (Anemosomancy)
Angel Chiropractic Care
Angel (fallen angels that masquerade as aliens, the higher-Self, inner child, personalities, etc)
Angel contact
Angel Magic (ritual practices, conjuration, communication, control of angels, demons, devas, etc)
Angelical Stone
Angelic attunement
Angelic healing
Anemosomancy (Anemoscopy)
Animal messages
Anima Mundi
Animal magnetism
Animal mutilations
Animal PSI (AnPSI)
ANPSI (animal PSI)
Animal worship
Ankh (anhk)
Annette Martin training
Anpu (Anubis)
Anthromancy (anthropomancy, splachomancy, antinopomancy)
Anthropophagy (cannibalism)
Anthroposophy (Christianized Theosophy; founder Rudolf Steiner)
Apitherapy (bee sting therapy, bee venom therapy)
Arhatic YogaSM (Arhatic Yoga System)
Asian medicine
Astanga yoga (ashtanga yoga, raja yoga)
Astara's healing science
Astral projection
Astrological counseling
Astrological diagnosis
Astrologic medicine medicinal astrology)
Astrology (star-gazing) (this is not "astronomy")
Astrotherapy (psychological astrology)
Atlantean Healing Ray Training"Healing at a Distance"), provided
Attitudinal healing (encompasses Buddhist psychology, Christian Science, A Course in Miracles, transpersonal psychology, and yogic meditation)
Attitudinal Therapy
Atunement Therapy
Auditing (Scientology's psychotherapeutic form of pastoral counseling, processing)
Aura analysis (aura reading, auric diagnosis)
Aura and vibrational diagnosis
Aura balancing (aura cleansing, aura clearing, aura healing, auric healing)
Aura Imaging Photography (Aura Imaging)
Aura-Soma (aurasomatherapy, Aura-Soma therapy)
Auric massage technique
Automata (for purposes of magic, voodoo, witchcraft, etc)
Avatar® (Avatar Course)
"Awakened Life, The" (The Awakened Life program)
Awareness Release Technique® (A.R.T.)
Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine)
Ayurveda Medicine
Ayurvedic Healing
Ayurvedic Healthcare
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurvedism (classical Indian medicine, Indian medicine, Science of Longevity, traditional Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, Vedic medicine)
Ayurvedic Reflexology-Acupressure
Ayurveda System of Medicine
A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or "the Course")
Aaronic Order (Order of Aaron - occult)
Abacomancy (amathomancy)
Abraxas (Also known as Abracax, Abrasax, Abanathabla and Ablathanabla)
Absent healing (absentee healing, distance healing, distant healing, remote healing, teleotherapeutics)
ACCESS (Access Energy Transformation)
Active imagery Actualism (Actualism Lightwork, agni yoga, Fire Yoga, lightwork)
Actualism bodywork
Acu-meridian energy transmission bodywork (Er Mei Qi Gong Therapy External
Energy Diagnosis and Treatment system)
Acupressure energy channeling
Acupressure (G-jo ) [GEE-joh], Acu-ball pressure treatment; Do-in (dao-in, Taoist yoga); G-Jo acupressure)
Acupressure massage
Acupressure touch
Acupuncture (acupuncture therapy, Zhenjiu)
Acupuncture imaging
Acuscope therapy (Electro-Acuscope therapy)
Acutomancy (divination)
Adept (occult: A person who is 'skilled'. Initiate who has mastered occult sciences and powers)
Adramelech (Also known as Adrammelech and Adramelechk)
Advanced dowsing
Advanced Energy Healing (Robert Jaffe Advanced Energy Healing)
Advanced Integrative Therapy
Advanced Kum Nyethrough stimulation a
Advanced pranic healing
Adytum (occult)
Aetites (Aquilaeus, Gagites, "The Pregnant Stone" and "Eagle Stone"
Agaliarept (Also known as Agalieraps and Agalierept)
Agares (Also known as Aguares and Agreas)
Agathodemon (Also known as Agathadaimon, Agathadaemon, Agathodiamon, Agathadeamon, Agathos Diamon)
Age of Aquarius
Agni dhatu (agni dhatu therapy, samadhi Yoga)
Agares (Aguares and Agreas)
Akasha (Akasa and Akash)
Alberich (Also known as Aelferic, Alferich, Alpris, Andavari and Elberich)
Alchemia Breathwork
Alchemia® heart breath
Alchemical Hypnotherapy (Alchemical work)
Alchemical Synergy®
Alchemical weight management
Alectromancy (Also knowns as Alectormancy, Alectryomancy)
Alien (apparitions, alien contact, channeling, mediums, etc.)
Alien abduction
Alien implants
Alliance method ("traditional" Reiki, Usui System of Natural Healing; called "Hayashi" in Japan)
Alocen (Also known as Allocer, Alloces, Alocas, Allocen and Alloien)
Alomancy (Also Halomancy)
Alpha Calm Therapy
Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)
Alternative medicine (fringe medicine, natural medicine, unconventional medicine, holistic medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, nernacular medicine)
Ama Deus
Amma (anma, General Massage, Pu Tong An Mo)Amdukias (Amduscias, Amdusias, Amukias)
Amma therapy ®
Amathomancy (abacomancy)
Amdukias (Amduscias, Amdusias, Amukias)
Amen (occult: Aman, Ammon, Amon, Amon-Ra, Amon-Re, Amum, Atum, Am, Amen-Ra, Amen-Ur, Amun-Re, Hammon, Niu, Zeus-Ammon and Jupitr-Ammon)
Ammit (Amit, Aman, Amamet, Ammut, Amunet and Ammemet)
Amplified Energy Therapy
Amulet (and talisman)
Amy (Avnas)
Anamelech (Anammelech)
Anarazel (Anazarel)
Anatomy for Healers
Ancient Christian magic (not Biblical by any means)
Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians; AMORC)
Andra-inanyas (Andras and Andrainanyas)
Andrealphus (Androalphus)
Anemoscopy (Anemosomancy)
Angel Chiropractic Care
Angel (fallen angels that masquerade as aliens, the higher-Self, inner child, personalities, etc)
Angel contact
Angel Magic (ritual practices, conjuration, communication, control of angels, demons, devas, etc)
Angelical Stone
Angelic attunement
Angelic healing
Anemosomancy (Anemoscopy)
Animal messages
Anima Mundi
Animal magnetism
Animal mutilations
Animal PSI (AnPSI)
ANPSI (animal PSI)
Animal worship
Ankh (anhk)
Annette Martin training
Anpu (Anubis)
Anthromancy (anthropomancy, splachomancy, antinopomancy)
Anthropophagy (cannibalism)
Anthroposophy (Christianized Theosophy; founder Rudolf Steiner)
Apitherapy (bee sting therapy, bee venom therapy)
Arhatic YogaSM (Arhatic Yoga System)
Asian medicine
Astanga yoga (ashtanga yoga, raja yoga)
Astara's healing science
Astral projection
Astrological counseling
Astrological diagnosis
Astrologic medicine medicinal astrology)
Astrology (star-gazing) (this is not "astronomy")
Astrotherapy (psychological astrology)
Atlantean Healing Ray Training"Healing at a Distance"), provided
Attitudinal healing (encompasses Buddhist psychology, Christian Science, A Course in Miracles, transpersonal psychology, and yogic meditation)
Attitudinal Therapy
Atunement Therapy
Auditing (Scientology's psychotherapeutic form of pastoral counseling, processing)
Aura analysis (aura reading, auric diagnosis)
Aura and vibrational diagnosis
Aura balancing (aura cleansing, aura clearing, aura healing, auric healing)
Aura Imaging Photography (Aura Imaging)
Aura-Soma (aurasomatherapy, Aura-Soma therapy)
Auric massage technique
Automata (for purposes of magic, voodoo, witchcraft, etc)
Avatar® (Avatar Course)
"Awakened Life, The" (The Awakened Life program)
Awareness Release Technique® (A.R.T.)
Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine)
Ayurveda Medicine
Ayurvedic Healing
Ayurvedic Healthcare
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurvedism (classical Indian medicine, Indian medicine, Science of Longevity, traditional Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, Vedic medicine)
Ayurvedic Reflexology-Acupressure
Ayurveda System of Medicine
Bach Cures
Bach flower essence method
Bach flower essence system
Bach flower remedies
Bach flowers
Bach flower therapy
Backward blessing
Baguazhang (pa kua chang, circle walking)
Balance Therapy
Balanced Health
Balinese Massage
Balneology, Balneotherapy
Baptism for the dead (a practice done in Mormonism)
Barbara Brennan Healing Science
Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Barefoot shiatsu massage
Behavioral Kinesiology (BK)
Belly Bean Diet
Be Set Free Fast
Beyond Dieting
Beyond Therapy
Beyond Therapysm
Bhuta shuddhi
Beelzebub (Beelzebuth, Belzebeth, Baalzebub, Beelzeboul, Baalsebul, Belzaboul, Belzebud, Beezelbub, Beezlebub, Baalzebubg, Beelzebus and Ba'al-zebub
Bindegewebsmassage (bindegewebsmassage system)
Biochromatic (Bio-chromatic) chakra alignment
Biochromatic (Bio-chromatic) chakra massage
Biodynamic (Bio-dynamic) Massage
Biodynamic (Bio-dynamic) psychology
Bioelectromagnetics (Bio-electromagnetics)
Biomagnetics (Bio-magnetic medicine)
Biomagnetic (Bio-magnetic) therapy
Bioelectronic (Bio-electronic) diagnosis
Bioenergy (Bio-energy healing)
Bioenergetics (Bio-energetics)
Bioenergetic (Bio-energetic) analysis
Bioenergetic (Bio-energetic) healing
Bioenergetic (Bio-energetic) movement work
Bioenergetics (Bio-energetics) therapy
Bioenergy (Bio-energy)
Bioessence (Bio-essence) bodywork
Bioessence (Bio-essence) therapy
Biofeedback (Bio-feedback)
Biofeedback (Bio-feedback) Without Machines,
Biofield (Biofield)
Biofield (Biofield) Therapeutics,
Biogenic (Bio-genic) Support,
Biogeometry (Bio-geometry)
Biogram (Biogram) Therapy,
Bioiridology (Bio-iridology)
Biokinesiology (Bio-kinesiology)
Biological Immunity Analysis ™ (BIA, biological immunity system ™)
Biolifting (Bio-lifting)
Biological Archeology
Biological Immunity Analysis
Bio-Magnetic Healing
Bio-magnetic therapy
Bio-magnetic Touch Healing
Bio-magnetic Touch Healing
Bio-magnetics, Bio-mechanics
Bio-Optic Holography
Bioplasmic healing
BioSonic Mantric Dream Repatterning
Biosonic Repatterning, BioSonic Repatterning
BioSonic Repatterning ™
BioSonic Sound and Light Repatterning
Birthing Services
Black Hah Feng Shui
Black Hat Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui
Black arts
Black magic
Black magic spells
Black magick
Black magick spells
Black mass
Bleeding manipulation
Blood Cell Demonstration
Blood crystallization
Blood crystallization (diagnostic blood crystallization)
Bocor (conjuring of)
Blue Water technique
Body Acupuncture
Body Alignment
Body Centered Therapy
Body Harmony
Body Imaging Enhancement
Body Integration, Body Logic, Body Mapping Technique, Body Mind Breathwork
Body Mind Breathwork
Body Mind Counseling
Body Mind Counseling Hypnotherapy
Body Mind Dynamics
Body Mind Massage
Body Mind Shiatsu
Body Mind Therapy
Body Mind centering
Body Oriented Emotional Release Psychotherapy
Body Polish
Body Reflexology
Body Rolling
BodyTalk System
Body Wisdom
Body Work
Body Work Plus
Body-Centered psychotherapy
Bodymind Centering
Bodymind (Body-Mind) Centering
Body-Oriented Psychotherapy
Body Talk
Bodywork Plus
Bodywork Tantra
Bodywork Tantra Co-centering
Bodywork Tantra Tantsu
Bodywork Tantra Watsu
Bon shamanic practices
Bone Marrow Nei Kung
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy
Bonsano, Botanical Medicine
Book of spells
Book of Shadows
Bowan Therapeutic Touch
Bowen Technique
Bowen Therapy
Brain Gym
Breath Awareness
Breath Regenesis
Breath Therapy
Breath Word (Breathwork)
Breathing Exercises (mystical, energy, occult, chi, Ki, yoga, etc.)
Breath Prayers (mystical, energy, occult, chi, Ki, yoga, etc.)
Breathing Therapy (occult)
Breema Bodywork
BRETH (“Breath Releasing Energy for Transformation and Healing”)
BRETH (“Breath Releasing Energy for Transformation and Happiness”)
Brothers of the Shadow
Bubble of light technique
Bubble of light meditation
Buddhist Medicine
Buddhist psychology
Budzek Medical Massage Therapy
Business Qigong
Bach Cures
Bach flower essence method
Bach flower essence system
Bach flower remedies
Bach flowers
Bach flower therapy
Backward blessing
Baguazhang (pa kua chang, circle walking)
Balance Therapy
Balanced Health
Balinese Massage
Balneology, Balneotherapy
Baptism for the dead (a practice done in Mormonism)
Barbara Brennan Healing Science
Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Barefoot shiatsu massage
Behavioral Kinesiology (BK)
Belly Bean Diet
Be Set Free Fast
Beyond Dieting
Beyond Therapy
Beyond Therapysm
Bhuta shuddhi
Beelzebub (Beelzebuth, Belzebeth, Baalzebub, Beelzeboul, Baalsebul, Belzaboul, Belzebud, Beezelbub, Beezlebub, Baalzebubg, Beelzebus and Ba'al-zebub
Bindegewebsmassage (bindegewebsmassage system)
Biochromatic (Bio-chromatic) chakra alignment
Biochromatic (Bio-chromatic) chakra massage
Biodynamic (Bio-dynamic) Massage
Biodynamic (Bio-dynamic) psychology
Bioelectromagnetics (Bio-electromagnetics)
Biomagnetics (Bio-magnetic medicine)
Biomagnetic (Bio-magnetic) therapy
Bioelectronic (Bio-electronic) diagnosis
Bioenergy (Bio-energy healing)
Bioenergetics (Bio-energetics)
Bioenergetic (Bio-energetic) analysis
Bioenergetic (Bio-energetic) healing
Bioenergetic (Bio-energetic) movement work
Bioenergetics (Bio-energetics) therapy
Bioenergy (Bio-energy)
Bioessence (Bio-essence) bodywork
Bioessence (Bio-essence) therapy
Biofeedback (Bio-feedback)
Biofeedback (Bio-feedback) Without Machines,
Biofield (Biofield)
Biofield (Biofield) Therapeutics,
Biogenic (Bio-genic) Support,
Biogeometry (Bio-geometry)
Biogram (Biogram) Therapy,
Bioiridology (Bio-iridology)
Biokinesiology (Bio-kinesiology)
Biological Immunity Analysis ™ (BIA, biological immunity system ™)
Biolifting (Bio-lifting)
Biological Archeology
Biological Immunity Analysis
Bio-Magnetic Healing
Bio-magnetic therapy
Bio-magnetic Touch Healing
Bio-magnetic Touch Healing
Bio-magnetics, Bio-mechanics
Bio-Optic Holography
Bioplasmic healing
BioSonic Mantric Dream Repatterning
Biosonic Repatterning, BioSonic Repatterning
BioSonic Repatterning ™
BioSonic Sound and Light Repatterning
Birthing Services
Black Hah Feng Shui
Black Hat Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui
Black arts
Black magic
Black magic spells
Black magick
Black magick spells
Black mass
Bleeding manipulation
Blood Cell Demonstration
Blood crystallization
Blood crystallization (diagnostic blood crystallization)
Bocor (conjuring of)
Blue Water technique
Body Acupuncture
Body Alignment
Body Centered Therapy
Body Harmony
Body Imaging Enhancement
Body Integration, Body Logic, Body Mapping Technique, Body Mind Breathwork
Body Mind Breathwork
Body Mind Counseling
Body Mind Counseling Hypnotherapy
Body Mind Dynamics
Body Mind Massage
Body Mind Shiatsu
Body Mind Therapy
Body Mind centering
Body Oriented Emotional Release Psychotherapy
Body Polish
Body Reflexology
Body Rolling
BodyTalk System
Body Wisdom
Body Work
Body Work Plus
Body-Centered psychotherapy
Bodymind Centering
Bodymind (Body-Mind) Centering
Body-Oriented Psychotherapy
Body Talk
Bodywork Plus
Bodywork Tantra
Bodywork Tantra Co-centering
Bodywork Tantra Tantsu
Bodywork Tantra Watsu
Bon shamanic practices
Bone Marrow Nei Kung
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy
Bonsano, Botanical Medicine
Book of spells
Book of Shadows
Bowan Therapeutic Touch
Bowen Technique
Bowen Therapy
Brain Gym
Breath Awareness
Breath Regenesis
Breath Therapy
Breath Word (Breathwork)
Breathing Exercises (mystical, energy, occult, chi, Ki, yoga, etc.)
Breath Prayers (mystical, energy, occult, chi, Ki, yoga, etc.)
Breathing Therapy (occult)
Breema Bodywork
BRETH (“Breath Releasing Energy for Transformation and Healing”)
BRETH (“Breath Releasing Energy for Transformation and Happiness”)
Brothers of the Shadow
Bubble of light technique
Bubble of light meditation
Buddhist Medicine
Buddhist psychology
Budzek Medical Massage Therapy
Business Qigong
Candomble' (Spiritism, Macumba, Umbanda)
Cannibalism (anthropophagy)
Celtic wisdom sticks
Chakra meditation
Charm (magical formula)
Channeling (spirits, Ascended Masters, 'the dead', etc.)
Channeling, channeler, channeled (USA spellings)
Channelling, channeller, channelled (UK spellings)
Chi Nei Tsang
Circle (Wiccans, ceremonial magicians, seances, etc)
Cocytus (kokytus)
Color Therapist
Communication with the spirit world
Conjuration (practice of raising or evoking spirits, demons and storms through rituals)
Conjuretors (Latin)
Conjuring (spells and spirits)
Core Energetics
Core Zero Balancing (ZB)
Craft (the Craft, Wicca, Witchcraft
CranioSacral Therapy
Crystal balls
Crystal healer
Crystal Work
Curse (occult prayer or incantation, written or spoken, for harm to come upon one)
Contemplative Spirituality / Spiritual Formation (Please read note below.)
"Ancient Prayer" Practices
Awareness of Being
Being in the Present Moment
Beyond Words
Breath Prayers
Centering prayer
Dark night of the soul
Divine Center
Divine Mystery
Ignation Contemplation
Inner light
Jesus Candles
Lectio Divina
Mantra prayers
"Palms Up, Palms Down”
Practicing the Presence
Prayer of the Heart
Prayer Stations
Sacred Space
Slow Prayer
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Formation
The Jesus Prayer
Thin Place
The Silence
Yoga (all forms)
Special note about Contemplative Practices
The contemplative spirituality catch-phrases and practices referred to above are used by Eastern occultists, religious mystics, and many "well-intentioned" Christians.
Almost the entire list of these practices has been gleaned from Eastern mysticism and the occult - and they have been brought into Christian settings. Due to the massive explosion of experience-driven Christianity and the endorsements of many well-known personalities, these practices are now thought by many to actually be “Christian.”
It must be clearly noted however that many Christian mystics gleaned these practices from Eastern religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism. See, The Desert Fathers, Fr. Bede Griffiths, Fr. Thomas Keating, Thomas Merton, etc. As such, they are "Christianized" forms of non-Christian practices. Even biblical prayer has been convoluted and redefined as centering prayer, the Jesus prayer, slow prayer, mantra prayer, meditation (unbiblical forms), and more.
We make special note of this here because oftentimes the "results" that people experience from these Eastern practices are contrary to biblical theology and balanced Christian practice. With this in view, it is no wonder that a number of so-called Christian leaders in our age have adopted a pantheistic, occult worldview in place of a biblical Christian worldview. The proof of this can be found in their books and sermons.
The tragic result of this is that many undiscerning churchgoers (and many true Christians) are now being subjected to and influenced by an unbiblical Christianity. This new Christianized form of Eastern spirituality is an amalgamation of Eastern occult practices mixed with corrupted theology and redefined biblical terminology. It is rife with major problems in theory, and in practice, it can very quickly lead to spiritual delusion.
Another very serious problem that can arise through the use of a number of these practices is direct, overt contact with the spirit world - apart from God. The technique or practice of centering prayer as contemplatives call it has a very strong potential to introduce well-intentioned people to occult practices, including Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience.
The Bible in no uncertain terms condemns every form of occult practice under the sun. God Himself gave a blanket condemnation of varying categories of occultism in Deuteronomy 18. It is very simple to do the research and find out just where these practices originate from and how they have crept into the church. Sadly, many refuse to look at the facts!
Death prayer (on behalf of the dead)
Death prayer (to harm the living)
Deeksha: The Oneness Blessing
Demon possession
Demons (obsession with and, or, contact with)
Demonology (for magic and occult practices)
Devil's mark
Devourer of Amenti
Divination (all forms)
Divination practices and occult "Games"
Divining rods
Dowsing rods
Dream cue cards
Dweller in Amenta
Dynamic Energetic Healing
Dynamic Trance States
Death prayer (on behalf of the dead)
Death prayer (to harm the living)
Deeksha: The Oneness Blessing
Demon possession
Demons (obsession with and, or, contact with)
Demonology (for magic and occult practices)
Devil's mark
Devourer of Amenti
Divination (all forms)
Divination practices and occult "Games"
Divining rods
Dowsing rods
Dream cue cards
Dweller in Amenta
Dynamic Energetic Healing
Dynamic Trance States
Eagle stone
Eastern Gurus
Eblis (Iblees, Iblees and Haris - a fallen angel of Islam)
EMF Balancing Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique
Energy Massage Therapy
Energy Medicine Partnerships, Inc.
Energy Medicine Specialists
Energy Work
Energy Therapies
Enlightenment (occult)
Enochian magic
Esogetic Colorpuncture
Esoteric Healing
ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)
EST, The Forum and related New Age Seminars
Evil (the opposite of good)
Evil eye (witchcraft and black magic)
Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)
Eye of Horus
Eagle stone
Eastern Gurus
Eblis (Iblees, Iblees and Haris - a fallen angel of Islam)
EMF Balancing Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique
Energy Massage Therapy
Energy Medicine Partnerships, Inc.
Energy Medicine Specialists
Energy Work
Energy Therapies
Enlightenment (occult)
Enochian magic
Esogetic Colorpuncture
Esoteric Healing
ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)
EST, The Forum and related New Age Seminars
Evil (the opposite of good)
Evil eye (witchcraft and black magic)
Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)
Eye of Horus
Fascination (any and all fascination with the world of the occult is dangerous)
False prophet
Fates (demons who alter destiny)
Familiars (spirits who assist witches)
Feng Shui
Freemason (one who practices Freemasonry and believes the teachings of the Craft)
Freemasonry (Masonic Lodge)
Freemasons square
Fascination (any and all fascination with the world of the occult is dangerous)
False prophet
Fates (demons who alter destiny)
Familiars (spirits who assist witches)
Feng Shui
Freemason (one who practices Freemasonry and believes the teachings of the Craft)
Freemasonry (Masonic Lodge)
Freemasons square
Gamalei (astrological, hermetic or magical)
Galdrabok (the)
Grand Grimoire
Grimoire of Honorius
Grimories (Grand Grimoire; the Heptameron; the Enchiridium; Grimorium Verum; Grimoire of Honorius; the Galdrabok; the Key of Solomon)
Grimorium Verum
Gamalei (astrological, hermetic or magical)
Galdrabok (the)
Grand Grimoire
Grimoire of Honorius
Grimories (Grand Grimoire; the Heptameron; the Enchiridium; Grimorium Verum; Grimoire of Honorius; the Galdrabok; the Key of Solomon)
Grimorium Verum
Halomancy (Also alomancy)
Healing for Self Mastery
Healing Sounds (Shamanic)
Healing Touch Energy Work
Healing Touch for Animals: The Komitor Healing Method
Healing Touch Program
Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry
Heart and Soul Healing (Shamanic)
Heart Centered Rebalancing (http://heartcenteredrebalancing.com/)
Holoenergetic Healing
Holotropic Breathwork
Holy laughter (yoga laughter, charismania laughter, false revival laughter)
Huna magic (Ancient Polynesian and Hawaiian)
Hypnotic Regression
Hypnotic trance dancing
Hypnotic trances
Halomancy (Also alomancy)
Healing for Self Mastery
Healing Sounds (Shamanic)
Healing Touch Energy Work
Healing Touch for Animals: The Komitor Healing Method
Healing Touch Program
Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry
Heart and Soul Healing (Shamanic)
Heart Centered Rebalancing (http://heartcenteredrebalancing.com/)
Holoenergetic Healing
Holotropic Breathwork
Holy laughter (yoga laughter, charismania laughter, false revival laughter)
Huna magic (Ancient Polynesian and Hawaiian)
Hypnotic Regression
Hypnotic trance dancing
Hypnotic trances
I Ching (cards, divination)
Iatromathematics (Astrological medicine or Astromedicine)
Ibis (In the occult, believed to be the incarnation of Thoth)
Iblees (Eblis, Iblees, and Haris - a fallen angel of Islam)
Icarus (Greek mythological character)
Idolmancy (a form of metal or stone divination)
Incubi and Succubi
Inner Focus
I Ching (cards, divination)
Iatromathematics (Astrological medicine or Astromedicine)
Ibis (In the occult, believed to be the incarnation of Thoth)
Iblees (Eblis, Iblees, and Haris - a fallen angel of Islam)
Icarus (Greek mythological character)
Idolmancy (a form of metal or stone divination)
Incubi and Succubi
Inner Focus
Jettatua (Italian for "evil eye")
Jin Shin Do
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jung, Carl (Writings and "Philemon", his so-called "spirit guide")
Jettatua (Italian for "evil eye")
Jin Shin Do
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jung, Carl (Writings and "Philemon", his so-called "spirit guide")
Kabbala (Kabalah, Kabala, Cabala, Cabbala, Cabalah, Cabbalah, Qabala, Qabbala, Qabalah and Qabbalah)
Kahuna (Hawaiian witch doctor)
Kairos Therapy
Karma cards
Key of Solomon
Komitor Healing Method (Healing Touch for Animals)
Krishna Consciousness
Kundalini (all sources, forms, variations, experiences, and manifestations)
kundalini altered states
kundalini awakening
kundalini bliss
kundalini burning sensations
kundalini central nadi (called sushumna)
kundalini cervical
kundalini chakra
kundalini chanting
kundalini coccygeal plexus
kundalini coiled female serpent
kundalini coiled one
kundalini consciousness
kundalini crown chakra
kundalini crying
kundalini cults
kundalini electric current
kundalini emergency
kundalini energy
kundalini energy rushes
kundalini enlightenment
kundalini euphoria
kundalini experience
kundalini feelings
kundalini fire
kundalini force
kundalini higher dorsal
kundalini insomnia
kundalini involuntary movements
kundalini jerking
kundalini joy
kundalini kriya
kundalini kriyas
kundalini lauhter
kundalini levels of awakening
kundalini liquid light
kundalini lotus
kundalini lumbar
kundalini mantra
kundalini mantras
kundalini meditation
kundalini medullary plexuses
kundalini muladhara
kundalini muladhara chakra
kundalini mystical experience
kundalini Ojas
kundalini orgasm
kundalini pains
kundalini possession
kundalini possession states
kundalini pranayama breathing
kundalini presence
kundalini psychic centers
kundalini psychosis
kundalini sacral
kundalini sahasrara
kundalini sensitivity
kundalini serpent goddess
kundalini sex
kundalini shaking
kundalini Shakti-pat
kundalini Shaktipat
kundalini snake
kundalini spinal tingling
kundalini spiritual eye
kundalini spiritual emergency
kundalini symptoms
kundalini suicidal tendencies
kundalini tantra
kundalini Tantrasadbhava Tantra
kundalini the coiled power
kundalini trances
kundalini transformation
kundalini universal oneness
kundalini upheavals
kundalini visions and sounds
kundalini yogi
kundalini yogini
kundalini Yoga Upanishads
Kabbala (Kabalah, Kabala, Cabala, Cabbala, Cabalah, Cabbalah, Qabala, Qabbala, Qabalah and Qabbalah)
Kahuna (Hawaiian witch doctor)
Kairos Therapy
Karma cards
Key of Solomon
Komitor Healing Method (Healing Touch for Animals)
Krishna Consciousness
Kundalini (all sources, forms, variations, experiences, and manifestations)
kundalini altered states
kundalini awakening
kundalini bliss
kundalini burning sensations
kundalini central nadi (called sushumna)
kundalini cervical
kundalini chakra
kundalini chanting
kundalini coccygeal plexus
kundalini coiled female serpent
kundalini coiled one
kundalini consciousness
kundalini crown chakra
kundalini crying
kundalini cults
kundalini electric current
kundalini emergency
kundalini energy
kundalini energy rushes
kundalini enlightenment
kundalini euphoria
kundalini experience
kundalini feelings
kundalini fire
kundalini force
kundalini higher dorsal
kundalini insomnia
kundalini involuntary movements
kundalini jerking
kundalini joy
kundalini kriya
kundalini kriyas
kundalini lauhter
kundalini levels of awakening
kundalini liquid light
kundalini lotus
kundalini lumbar
kundalini mantra
kundalini mantras
kundalini meditation
kundalini medullary plexuses
kundalini muladhara
kundalini muladhara chakra
kundalini mystical experience
kundalini Ojas
kundalini orgasm
kundalini pains
kundalini possession
kundalini possession states
kundalini pranayama breathing
kundalini presence
kundalini psychic centers
kundalini psychosis
kundalini sacral
kundalini sahasrara
kundalini sensitivity
kundalini serpent goddess
kundalini sex
kundalini shaking
kundalini Shakti-pat
kundalini Shaktipat
kundalini snake
kundalini spinal tingling
kundalini spiritual eye
kundalini spiritual emergency
kundalini symptoms
kundalini suicidal tendencies
kundalini tantra
kundalini Tantrasadbhava Tantra
kundalini the coiled power
kundalini trances
kundalini transformation
kundalini universal oneness
kundalini upheavals
kundalini visions and sounds
kundalini yogi
kundalini yogini
kundalini Yoga Upanishads
Macumba (Spiritism, Candomble' and Umbanda)
Magical dolls (Poppet, ritual effigies, voodoo dolls, Kolossos and Kolossoi)
Magic spells
Magic square
Magick spells
Martial Arts
Meditation Classes
Melchizedek Method
Melody Crystal Healing
Moon Awareness
Muscle Testing
Macumba (Spiritism, Candomble' and Umbanda)
Magical dolls (Poppet, ritual effigies, voodoo dolls, Kolossos and Kolossoi)
Magic spells
Magic square
Magick spells
Martial Arts
- Martial Arts - “‘Shoumen ni rei!’: Bow to the front of the room (this signifies bowing to the institution of karate and to the line of instructors who brought it to your instructor.”
Meditation Classes
Melchizedek Method
Melody Crystal Healing
Moon Awareness
Muscle Testing
Natural Majick
New Age Inner Work
New Age intuition
New Age Medicine
New Age Physics
Noetic Field Therapy
Natural Majick
New Age Inner Work
New Age intuition
New Age Medicine
New Age Physics
Noetic Field Therapy
Occult jewelry
Occult literature
Oenomancy (Oinomancy, a form of augury)
Oinomancy (Oenomancy, a form of augury)
Oinoscopia (Oinoscopy and Ornithomancy)
Olympian contact (contacting mythological Greek gods)
Omen (occult influence)
Omphalomancy (omphilomancy)
One Light Healing Touch
Oracle (occult)
Ouija Board (spirit board)
Occult jewelry
Occult literature
Oenomancy (Oinomancy, a form of augury)
Oinomancy (Oenomancy, a form of augury)
Oinoscopia (Oinoscopy and Ornithomancy)
Olympian contact (contacting mythological Greek gods)
Omen (occult influence)
Omphalomancy (omphilomancy)
One Light Healing Touch
Oracle (occult)
Ouija Board (spirit board)
Past Life Readings
Pokemon (pocket demons card game)
Polarity Therapy
Poltergeists (ghosts)
Poppet (magical doll, ritual effigies, voodoo dolls, Kolossos and Kolossoi)
Possession trance states
Pranic healing
Precognition (occult)
Precious Gem Formulas
Psychic (s)
Psychic circle
Psychic Medium
Past Life Readings
Pokemon (pocket demons card game)
Polarity Therapy
Poltergeists (ghosts)
Poppet (magical doll, ritual effigies, voodoo dolls, Kolossos and Kolossoi)
Possession trance states
Pranic healing
Precognition (occult)
Precious Gem Formulas
Psychic (s)
Psychic circle
Psychic Medium
Qabbala (Kabbala, Kabalah, Kabala, Cabala, Cabbala, Cabalah, Cabbalah, Qabala, Qabbala, Qabalah and Qabbalah)
Quaker Spirituality (Society of Friends)
Quetzalcoatl (Aztec deity whose name means ‘feathered serpent’)
Quietism (a form of religious mysticism; Molinists)
Quintessence (Occult, the luminous fifth element)
Quintile (A term astrologers use to designate 'energy' between planets or points involved)
Quiradelli, Corneille (16th-century Franciscan astrologer)
Quirinus (Quirus; an occult "juggling stone, found in the nest of the hoopoo")
Qabbala (Kabbala, Kabalah, Kabala, Cabala, Cabbala, Cabalah, Cabbalah, Qabala, Qabbala, Qabalah and Qabbalah)
Quaker Spirituality (Society of Friends)
Quetzalcoatl (Aztec deity whose name means ‘feathered serpent’)
Quietism (a form of religious mysticism; Molinists)
Quintessence (Occult, the luminous fifth element)
Quintile (A term astrologers use to designate 'energy' between planets or points involved)
Quiradelli, Corneille (16th-century Franciscan astrologer)
Quirinus (Quirus; an occult "juggling stone, found in the nest of the hoopoo")
Rapid Eye Technology
Readings (any occult or mystical)
Reading of the palms, tea leaves, mind, etc.
Reiki for animals
Reiki Master
Reiki Therapy
Resonance Repatterning
Rosalyn Bruyere (Shamanic)
Rosicrucianism (Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosae Crucis; AMORC)
Rapid Eye Technology
Readings (any occult or mystical)
Reading of the palms, tea leaves, mind, etc.
Reiki for animals
Reiki Master
Reiki Therapy
Resonance Repatterning
Rosalyn Bruyere (Shamanic)
Rosicrucianism (Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosae Crucis; AMORC)
Sacred geometry and oracles
Sandra Ingerman (Shamanic)
Santeria (in Cuba and other places)
Satanic rituals
Scrying bowls
Scrying mirrors
SHEN Therapy
Shiatsu Massage
Silva Mind Control
Soaking Prayer
Sozo Prayer
Spell boards
Spell cards
Spirit board (any and all forms)
Spiritism (Macumba, Candomble' and Umbanda)
Spiritual Response Therapy
Spiritualist Society
Succubi and Incubi
Swallower of the Dead
Sympathetic Magic
Sacred geometry and oracles
Sandra Ingerman (Shamanic)
Santeria (in Cuba and other places)
Satanic rituals
Scrying bowls
Scrying mirrors
SHEN Therapy
Shiatsu Massage
Silva Mind Control
Soaking Prayer
Sozo Prayer
Spell boards
Spell cards
Spirit board (any and all forms)
Spiritism (Macumba, Candomble' and Umbanda)
Spiritual Response Therapy
Spiritualist Society
Succubi and Incubi
Swallower of the Dead
Sympathetic Magic
Talisman (and amulet)
Talking board (Ouija board, etc.)
Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
Tarot cards
Tarot decks
Tarot readings
TAT—Tapas Acupressure Technique
Telekinetic enhancer
Tellington TTouch
The Cayce Approach to Health and Healing (Edgar Cayce)
The Four Winds
The Oneness Blessing: Deeksha
Theosophical Society
Therapeutic Touch
Thought Field Therapy
Tough for Health
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Trance channeling
Trance possession
Trance states
Transformational Mind Dynamics (Mind science/self-actualization) http://transformyourdynamics.com
Talisman (and amulet)
Talking board (Ouija board, etc.)
Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
Tarot cards
Tarot decks
Tarot readings
TAT—Tapas Acupressure Technique
Telekinetic enhancer
Tellington TTouch
The Cayce Approach to Health and Healing (Edgar Cayce)
The Four Winds
The Oneness Blessing: Deeksha
Theosophical Society
Therapeutic Touch
Thought Field Therapy
Tough for Health
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Trance channeling
Trance possession
Trance states
Transformational Mind Dynamics (Mind science/self-actualization) http://transformyourdynamics.com
Umbanda (Spiritism, Macumba, Candomble' )
Unergi© Method (Unergi holistic therapy)
Unctions (any type utilized in occult, pagan, and mystical practices)
UN SystemSM
Umbanda (Spiritism, Macumba, Candomble' )
Unergi© Method (Unergi holistic therapy)
Unctions (any type utilized in occult, pagan, and mystical practices)
UN SystemSM
Vampirism (human vampirism)
Vedic Astrology (Jyotish, jyotisha)
VEGAtest method
vibrational medicine
Violent Flame Initiation
Visualization Therapy
Visualizing "Jesus"
Vita Flex
Vitality Fasting and Rejunevation
Viviano Method
Voodoo charms
Vodou (Haitian Vodou, vodoun, vodun, voodoo, voodooism, Voudoun)
VortexHealing (Shamanic)
Vampirism (human vampirism)
Vedic Astrology (Jyotish, jyotisha)
VEGAtest method
vibrational medicine
Violent Flame Initiation
Visualization Therapy
Visualizing "Jesus"
Vita Flex
Vitality Fasting and Rejunevation
Viviano Method
Voodoo charms
Vodou (Haitian Vodou, vodoun, vodun, voodoo, voodooism, Voudoun)
VortexHealing (Shamanic)
Weight No More (developed by Edgar cayce)
White magick
White Tantra
Wisdom Chi Kung
Wise woman healing
Witch of Endor
Witching stones
WooJangJu Power Meditation
Weight No More (developed by Edgar cayce)
White magick
White Tantra
Wisdom Chi Kung
Wise woman healing
Witch of Endor
Witching stones
WooJangJu Power Meditation
Xavier, Francisco, Candido (Famous Brazilian psychic known as ‘Chico’)
Xenoglossy (Xenoglossia - an occult form of speaking in 'tongues')
Xavier, Francisco, Candido (Famous Brazilian psychic known as ‘Chico’)
Xenoglossy (Xenoglossia - an occult form of speaking in 'tongues')
Yin and Yang
Yoda's worldview (pantheism)
Yoga, Agni Yoga
Yoga, Anahata Yoga
Yoga, Anusara Yoga
Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Yoga, Bhakti yoga
Yoga, Bikram Yoga
Yoga for Busy People (YBP, Yoga for Busy People method)
Yoga For Surfers
Yoga, Hatha yoga
Yoga, Integral yoga
Yoga, Iyengar Yoga
Yoga, Jnana Yoga
Yoga, Karma Yoga
Yoga, Kriya yoga
Yoga, Kundalini yoga
Yoga, Natya Yoga
Yoga Nutrition
Yoga, Yoga Neuromuscalar Therapy
Yoga, Raja Yoga
Yoga, Sahaja Yoga
Yoga, Satyananda Yoga
Yoga, Sivananda Yoga
Yoga, Six yogas of Naropa (Tummo)
Yoga, Surat Shabd Yoga
Yoga therapy
Yoga, Viniyoga
Yoga, Yantra Yoga
Yoga, Yoga Nidra
Yogic Flying
Yuen Method
Yin and Yang
Yoda's worldview (pantheism)
Yoga, Agni Yoga
Yoga, Anahata Yoga
Yoga, Anusara Yoga
Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Yoga, Bhakti yoga
Yoga, Bikram Yoga
Yoga for Busy People (YBP, Yoga for Busy People method)
Yoga For Surfers
Yoga, Hatha yoga
Yoga, Integral yoga
Yoga, Iyengar Yoga
Yoga, Jnana Yoga
Yoga, Karma Yoga
Yoga, Kriya yoga
Yoga, Kundalini yoga
Yoga, Natya Yoga
Yoga Nutrition
Yoga, Yoga Neuromuscalar Therapy
Yoga, Raja Yoga
Yoga, Sahaja Yoga
Yoga, Satyananda Yoga
Yoga, Sivananda Yoga
Yoga, Six yogas of Naropa (Tummo)
Yoga, Surat Shabd Yoga
Yoga therapy
Yoga, Viniyoga
Yoga, Yantra Yoga
Yoga, Yoga Nidra
Yogic Flying
Yuen Method
Zarlen Therapy (Zarlen direct channeling, Zarlen Therapy technique)
Zen Alexander Technique
Zen Shiatsu
Zen Shiatsu Acupressure
Zen Tantra
Zero Balancing (ZB, Core Zero Balancing)
Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung (Zhan Zhuang)
Zhineng Chigong
Zombie (reanimated through occult power)
Zoolatry (animal worship)
Zulu Sangoma bones
Zarlen Therapy (Zarlen direct channeling, Zarlen Therapy technique)
Zen Alexander Technique
Zen Shiatsu
Zen Shiatsu Acupressure
Zen Tantra
Zero Balancing (ZB, Core Zero Balancing)
Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung (Zhan Zhuang)
Zhineng Chigong
Zombie (reanimated through occult power)
Zoolatry (animal worship)
Zulu Sangoma bones
Source Notes
Many of the topics listed above were found in alternative medicine, new age, and occult sources. Further helpful documentation and topics were found in The Expanded Dictionary of Metaphysical Healthcare, Unnaturalistic Methods: A-Z, 2000 Jack Raso, M.S., R.D.
Subjects listed on this page also come from many other sources such as various Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Spiritual Dictionaries, New Age Vocabulary Guides, Alternative Health Books, Alternative Medicine Books, Alternative Health Care Journals, Natural Health and Healing magazines, Natural and Occult Medicine Literature, Alternative Remedy Booklets, Alternative Health and Medicine Pamphlets, Alternate Healing Method Books, Holistic Health Dictionary and Therapy Literature, Alternative Treatment Practices, Complementary Medicine Journals, Alternative Health Dictionaries, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine Dictionaries, Alternative Health Glossary’s, Alternative Medicine Glossary’s, Alternative Health Terms, Alternative Medicine Terms, Alternative Healing Guides, Alternative Medicine Guides, Natural Healing Dictionaries, and a vast array of occult literature.
Subjects listed on this page also come from many other sources such as various Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Spiritual Dictionaries, New Age Vocabulary Guides, Alternative Health Books, Alternative Medicine Books, Alternative Health Care Journals, Natural Health and Healing magazines, Natural and Occult Medicine Literature, Alternative Remedy Booklets, Alternative Health and Medicine Pamphlets, Alternate Healing Method Books, Holistic Health Dictionary and Therapy Literature, Alternative Treatment Practices, Complementary Medicine Journals, Alternative Health Dictionaries, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine Dictionaries, Alternative Health Glossary’s, Alternative Medicine Glossary’s, Alternative Health Terms, Alternative Medicine Terms, Alternative Healing Guides, Alternative Medicine Guides, Natural Healing Dictionaries, and a vast array of occult literature.
Statement of Warning from Spiritual Research Network
Spiritual Research Network considers the subjects listed above to be spiritually harmful because they have the potential to engage the practitioner in occult power—hidden/unseen spiritual forces. A large number of topics listed above have proven to be very dangerous.
A strong warning is advised to all who would involve themselves with practices that originate within the realm of New Age, occult, and spiritistic practices. All occult methods have the capability of leading to serious physical, spiritual, and personal bodily harm. We state this because most of the practices above are in some way, shape or form connected to a pantheistic (or panentheistic) worldview, which is the root of Eastern spirituality and the world of the occult.
Many individuals who delve into New Age/New Spirituality and occult practices have suffered the consequences of spiritual oppression, occult bondage, psychological delusion, insanity, irreversible mental and physical damage, insanity, suicidal tendencies, possession states, moral degradation, sexual perversion, fatal accidents, financial ruin, and more.
For those who are presently involved in any form of occultism or any practices founded upon the principles of the occult, we recommend that you fully repent of this sin and in willful submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, call upon Him to free you from all demonic influences. Occult bondage is too strong to break free from by any other means—the Risen Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer!
The Bible is clear regarding all forms of occultism—it is dangerous at best, and can damn the soul at worst. For those who do not know, energy work, Reiki, channeling, kundalini yoga energy, shaktipat (laughter yoga), etc. are all forms of occult energy mediumship to some degree or another. No matter how the world of the occult is repackaged and introduced into Western civilization, God's view on the subject remains the same—it is an abomination with severe consequences.
A strong warning is advised to all who would involve themselves with practices that originate within the realm of New Age, occult, and spiritistic practices. All occult methods have the capability of leading to serious physical, spiritual, and personal bodily harm. We state this because most of the practices above are in some way, shape or form connected to a pantheistic (or panentheistic) worldview, which is the root of Eastern spirituality and the world of the occult.
Many individuals who delve into New Age/New Spirituality and occult practices have suffered the consequences of spiritual oppression, occult bondage, psychological delusion, insanity, irreversible mental and physical damage, insanity, suicidal tendencies, possession states, moral degradation, sexual perversion, fatal accidents, financial ruin, and more.
For those who are presently involved in any form of occultism or any practices founded upon the principles of the occult, we recommend that you fully repent of this sin and in willful submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, call upon Him to free you from all demonic influences. Occult bondage is too strong to break free from by any other means—the Risen Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer!
The Bible is clear regarding all forms of occultism—it is dangerous at best, and can damn the soul at worst. For those who do not know, energy work, Reiki, channeling, kundalini yoga energy, shaktipat (laughter yoga), etc. are all forms of occult energy mediumship to some degree or another. No matter how the world of the occult is repackaged and introduced into Western civilization, God's view on the subject remains the same—it is an abomination with severe consequences.
"When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet [prophetic of Jesus Christ] from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken." (Deuteronomy 18:9-15)
This warning from 3,400 years ago still stands today!
We issue our warning because we believe—as do countless others—that involvement with these practices, including dabbling in them at beginner levels and the promotion of them to any degree, has the potential to incur harmful and dangerous influences upon oneself and upon one's family.
We believe these dangers arise from trafficking with unseen hostile spirit beings that can counterfeit themselves and masquerade as "results" in the lives of the practitioners and their clients. Making a business out of contacting the spirit world, through any of the endless means of the occult methodology is no safe trade.
We issue our warning because we believe—as do countless others—that involvement with these practices, including dabbling in them at beginner levels and the promotion of them to any degree, has the potential to incur harmful and dangerous influences upon oneself and upon one's family.
We believe these dangers arise from trafficking with unseen hostile spirit beings that can counterfeit themselves and masquerade as "results" in the lives of the practitioners and their clients. Making a business out of contacting the spirit world, through any of the endless means of the occult methodology is no safe trade.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
Freedom from dangerous occult powers and spiritual bondage can be yours today! What are you waiting for?
Page updated: This webpage was formerly located at http://www.spiritual-research-network.com/dangerouspractices.html .