Roger Oakland
Understand the Times, International
Articles, Books, Audio and Video
Suggested Resources
Dear Reader,
For many years Roger Oakland has been a faithful servant of the Lord. Writing and speaking on the biblical creation account as well as defending the historic Christian faith against the false teachings of evolution, Roger has consistently upheld the truth of Scripture. With a soft-spoken and humble approach when delivering his teaching messages, Roger has sought to exhort and encourage the body of Christ to stand firm in the faith and to avoid modern-day heresies being embraced by compromising church leaders. For many years, Roger has endured scorn and ridicule from many who have been called to account, but sadly, many have not heeded his biblical message. We have added this page to the Spiritual Research Network website to help you in your research and to help faithful church leaders as they preach and teach sound doctrine, refute false teachings, and nurture and protect the flock of God.
—Chris Lawson, SRN
For many years Roger Oakland has been a faithful servant of the Lord. Writing and speaking on the biblical creation account as well as defending the historic Christian faith against the false teachings of evolution, Roger has consistently upheld the truth of Scripture. With a soft-spoken and humble approach when delivering his teaching messages, Roger has sought to exhort and encourage the body of Christ to stand firm in the faith and to avoid modern-day heresies being embraced by compromising church leaders. For many years, Roger has endured scorn and ridicule from many who have been called to account, but sadly, many have not heeded his biblical message. We have added this page to the Spiritual Research Network website to help you in your research and to help faithful church leaders as they preach and teach sound doctrine, refute false teachings, and nurture and protect the flock of God.
—Chris Lawson, SRN
Roger Oakland
Understand The Times, International
An International Missionary Outreach
Dedicated to Evangelizing the Lost By Sharing
The Gospel According to the Scriptures
"Roger Oakland is an author, lecturer, and the founder of Understand the Times, International. He has written several books and is featured in numerous documentary DVD films. Over the past 35 years, he has lectured in over 70 countries. He is also the founder of the Bryce Homes Program International, a missions program that ministers physically and spiritually to widows and children in several countries. His autobiography Let There Be Light chronicles his years as an evolutionist to becoming a creationist and then a believer in Jesus Christ."
Understand The Times, International
An International Missionary Outreach
Dedicated to Evangelizing the Lost By Sharing
The Gospel According to the Scriptures
"Roger Oakland is an author, lecturer, and the founder of Understand the Times, International. He has written several books and is featured in numerous documentary DVD films. Over the past 35 years, he has lectured in over 70 countries. He is also the founder of the Bryce Homes Program International, a missions program that ministers physically and spiritually to widows and children in several countries. His autobiography Let There Be Light chronicles his years as an evolutionist to becoming a creationist and then a believer in Jesus Christ."
For the word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 KJV
and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 KJV
Understand The Times International
- Main website - Bible teaching, Christian apologetics and biblical discernment.
- Missions outreaches to India, Philippines, Kenya, South Africa, Mexico, USA, Haiti, Myanamar.
- Internet Church
- Audio/Video - Conferences, Radio, Missions Updates
Commentary By Roger Oakland
Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Emerging Church
The Good News
Israel And The Last Days
New Age and Mysticism
One World Religion
Passion of the Christ Movie
Signs of the Times
Signs and Wonders
Social Gospel
Unbiblical Christianity
- Sins of the Fathers, Nepotism, and Apostasy in the Church
- The World and the Church Without God
- Calvary Chapel: Another Wave Of The Spirit Or A Wave Of Deception?
- Strange Bedfellows Creeping Into Calvary Chapel
- The Meltdown of Christianity
- Greg Laurie, Calvary Chapel, and New Catholic National Shrine for Marian Apparitions
- A Final Wake Up Call
- Another Trojan Horse in Calvary Chapel (and the Body of Christ at Large)
- Ichabod Fulfilled in the Body of Christ
- Willow Creek, Calvary Chapel and the Bible
- Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and Alpha
- The Potential to Become a god
- Calvary Chapel, Bill Hybels, and Jesuit Mysticism
- What Seems Right May Be Wrong
- Pathway to Apostasy
- Unity At Any Cost?
- Seeker Friendly To Contemplative Spirituality
- The Three Legged Stool Plan
- The Gospel Of Self
- Certain Men Crept In
- Measuring The Experience
- A Faith Or The Faith
- New Age “Christianity”?
- “Another Jesus” Movement
- Ichabod Revisited
- Calvary Chapel Pastors Respond to Our Lonnie Frisbee Commentary
- A Challenge For Calvary Chapel Pastors to Take a Stand Against Apostasy
- The Warning
- The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church
- Jerry Boykin and the Calvary Chapel Connection
- The Ecumenical Puzzle
- Standing for the Gospel – It is a Small Price to Pay
- The Word Of Man Versus The Word Of God
- God’s Word Shines Light Upon End Times Apostasy
- From Garbage To God
- Ichabod
- Shepherds Or Wolves
- Tony Campolo: On Being “Born Again” by Centering Prayer
- Is Apostasy Possible?
- Psalms 35
- I Never Knew You - Jesus
Cloning And Genetic Engineering
- Making Life In The Lab
- Humans Pretending To Be God
- Mice And Men
- Can The Clotting Of Blood Be Explained By Evolution?
- Are Humans on the Verge of an Evolutionary Leap
- Older And Better
- Making Life In The Lab
- Fossil Fish
- The Evolution of the Immune System
- The Lyell Darwin Connection
- An Explosion That Shook The World
- Creation or the Creator – Who Will You Serve?
- Darwin's Walking Fish
- From Science Fiction To Scientific Fact
- Dead Men Do Tell Tales
- The Story Of How Humans Evolved
- Design Without Intelligence
- Science And The Origin Of Life
- Hobbit Or Hoax
- Noah or Not?
- Father of us All?
- Who are the Bigots?
- Death of the Dinosaurs
- Dino Dung
- Unnatural Selection
- Science Finds God
Emerging Church
- Move of God or Movements of Men . . . Connecting the Dots
- Is The Emerging Church History, or Has it Entered Your Church
- Jesus With A Twist
- A Global Community – the Sign of His Coming
- Can Right Be Wrong?
- “Another Jesus” Movement
- Slaughterhouse Religion?
- The Inclusive Gospel
- New Spiritual Disciplines From Ancient Roman Catholic Sources
- Are Emerging Church Critics Too Critical?
- Drumming Up "Jesus"
- What Ever Happened to The Bible?
- How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging in Your Church
The Good News
- Heaven Or Hell?
- Don't Give Up
- The Most Loving Gift
- Jihad, Jihad, Jihad
Israel And The Last Days
- Iran, Russia and Israel
- Moroni Baloney
- Our Cosmic Cousins
- What May Seem Right May Be Wrong
- Jerusalem - The Capitol of Israel
- Identifying Wolves - Past And Present
- Being a Christian Can Be Frustrating
- He Who Has the Most Dirt Wins! Or Does He?
- Facebook Fraud
- Facebook and the Coming New World Order
- Countering The Counter Reformation
- Another Fishy Story
- When God Calls A Man
- Quoting the Bible
- A Desperate Call For Help
- The Ownership of the Name “Calvary Chapel," the Dove and the Appearance of a New Symbol
- Understand The Times Announces New Web Site
- Out Of Retirement
- Why Are There So Many Races?
- Animal Rights
- Discernment Or Criticism?
- Ducks, Sheep, and People
- When Churches Use and Abuse Missions
- Why Are So Many Departing From Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa?
- Credentials
- Is Christianity the Reason the World is in Trouble?
- Shepherds Or Wolves?
- Awake Sleeper
- What Is Next For Calvary Chapel?
- Grassmarket Evangelism
- Food For Thought
- When Is Yoga, Yoga?
- A Global Community – the Sign of His Coming
- From Darkness To Light
- Is There a Connection with the June 2005 Jon Courson Ecumenical Communion Message and the
- Boykin-Barton Agenda?
- Another spirit or the Holy Spirit?
- Another Hole in the Wall
- Calvary Chapel Confusion
- The Demise of Mega Corporate Churches
- RE: Open Letter To Evangelical and Protestant Pastors Worldwide - Now is the Day to Turn Back to
- God’s Word
- David Barton Continues to Dupe Gullible Christians
- The Calvary Chapel David Barton Connection - Why Is This So Significant?
- An Update On The Titanic
- The Jeremiah Calling
- The Death of the Mega Church
- The Solomon Syndrome
- Black Friday
- Rethinking Revised
- Is Your Denomination A Sinking Titanic?
- Something to Remember on Remembrance Day
New Age and Mysticism
- Yoga and the Law
- One World Government
- Biometrics And Big Brother
- A Global Problem Requires a Global Solution
- Cashless Canada?
One World Religion
- The Hijacking of the Calvary Chapel Movement into the Coming One-World Religion
- Jesuit Pope Francis, Pastor Rick Warren And The Coming One World Religion For Peace
Passion of the Christ Movie
- Passion Evangelism
- Caution: "The Passion" and Mary
- The :Passion: Visionary
- Catholic Evangelism
Signs of the Times
- A Global Community – the Sign of His Coming
- Christ In Christmas
- It's Coming - Ready or Not
- Two Moms, No Dad
Signs and Wonders
- What Signs are These?
Social Gospel
- The Purpose Driven Inclusive Church
- A Purpose Driven Plan
- Calvary Chapel And Purpose Driven
- Is Bible Prophecy Important?
- Certain Men Crept In
- Contemplative Prayer Or Terror?
- Purpose Driven Ecumenism
- Open Letter To Pastors and Teachers - Decision Time
- The Emerging Church: Last Days Apostasy and a Return To Darkness
- Seeker Unfriendly
Unbiblical Christianity
- Scoffers Will Come
- God is Not Purpose Driven: Calvary Is About the True Gospel