Yoga: Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'.
A note from Chris Lawson
Freedom from the dangers of Yogic philosophy, its occult roots, and the forces of darkness that produce Yoga's "spiritual emergencies"?
Yoga: Sanskrit root 'Yuj,' meaning 'to join,' ' yoke,' or 'to unite.' Freedom from the dangers of Yoga, Yoga's occult roots, the forces of darkness, and "spiritual emergencies"?
The philosophy of Yoga and the teachings of Yoga are rooted in pantheistic, evolutionary, occult monism. The many occult (hidden/unseen) manifestations that Yoga and yogic methods produce are one hundred percent opposed to the person, nature, work, and mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Here are some resources to help you navigate the confusing Western idea that Yoga and its teachings are innocent and harmless or that Yoga can somehow be "Christianized" or turned into "exercise."
- Mantra Meditation - Ray Yungen, from A Time of Departing
- The Dangerous and Deluding Practice of Mantra Meditation A Warning About an Occult Meditation Technique - Chris Lawson
- Radio Interview: Yoga and Christianity - Are They Compatible?
- Questions For Those Considering Yoga
- Perilous Times and the True Purpose and Dangers of Yoga
- Destroying Your Christian Faith Through Yoga - Theological Considerations
- Dangers of Centering Prayer, Yoga, Mysticism and the Occult
- Why Yoga Cannot Be Christianized
- Shamanism Revived - The Christianizing of Four Occult Techniques - Visualization (guided imagery), Inner healing (healing of memories), Meditation (centering prayer), Hypnosis (altered states)
- Introducing the 'Dangers of Yoga' website! (See also, Dangers of
- Yoga?—Questions For Those Considering Yoga, Christian Yoga and Yoga Dangers
- New Age Teachings Influencing Your Church, Your Children and You!
- Potentially Harmful & Dangerous Spiritual Practices (New Age/New Spirituality/Occult)
- Yoga and Christianity—Are They Compatible? (Radio Interview)
- Contemplative Spirituality Concerns—The Literature: Samples That Church Leaders Need to See
- Calvary Chapel and Purpose Driven Pastors Endorsing Yoga?
Articles here are at (a Chris Lawson/SRN outreach)
Articles here are at (a Chris Lawson/SRN outreach)
- Eastern Mysticism: The Dangers of Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Reincarnation and Karate - Ben Alexander
- Exposing Satan's Power: Yoga Warning Series (Video Transcripts 1-4) - Ben Alexander
- The Dangerous and Deluding Practice of Mantra Meditation: A Warning About an Occult Meditation Technique - Chris Lawson
- Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible? (Booklet and Radio Interview) - Chris Lawson
- Reiki & Yoga Meditation: Can they be Christianized? Should a Christian be involved? (A Response to Rick Warren's January 15th Health and Wellness Plan) - Caryl Matrisciana
- Posture to Apostasy - Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith? - Larry DeBruyn
- Mantra Meditation - Excerpt from A Time of Departing: How Ancient Mystical Practices are Uniting Christians with the World's Religion - Ray Yungen
- Yoga and The Law - Roger Oakland
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Destructing humanity in the name of "exercise"?
Escaping the dangers of Yoga through Jesus Christ!
Chris Lawson with friend Sam and local village resident in South India.
On this trip to India, I assisted my friend Sam as we worked alongside a native Christian outreach in Southern India. We visited orphanages, shared the Gospel in a handful of jungle villages, spoke at a pastor's conference, and visited a youth prison where we saw a wonderful Christian outreach ministry to many young men.
We were also able to speak with several pastors who—before becoming Christians—were enslaved entirely to the yogic/occult worldview of Hinduism. These men are deeply grateful to have fled from these magical/occult beliefs and the forces of darkness—through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Evil spirits had enslaved these men to the mysterious occultic powers of Yoga and the Hindu worldview since their youth. The men now serve as Christian pastors, and they help many people to become free from Hinduism and the baleful unseen (occult) forces behind every form, style, and school of Yoga.
The Lord Jesus Christ is able to set people free from the spiritual forces of darkness!
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